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To run Plombery you only need Python (v3.8 or later), if you don't have it installed yet, go to the official Python website, download it and install it.


It's a good practice to install dependencies specific to a project in a dedicated virtual environment for that project.

Many code editors (IDE) provide their own way to create virtual environments, otherwise you can use directly the shell typing the following commands.

Create a virtual enrivonment:

# Run this in your project folder
python -m venv .venv

Activate it:

# on Mac/Linux
source .venv/bin/activate
# on Win

Then install the library:

pip install plombery

Now you're ready to write your first pipeline!

🎮 Try on GitHub Codespaces

If you don't want to setup the project locally and you just want to have a look at Plombery and how it works, then you should try GitHub Codespaces:

Get Started on Codespaces

Codespaces are development environments that run in the cloud so you can run a project without cloning it, installing deps etc, here's an how to:

  • Go to the the lucafaggianelli/plombery GitHub page
  • Click on the green Code button on the top right
  • Choose the Codespaces tab
  • Click on create new codespace from main or reuse an existing one
  • A new page will open at, wait for the environment build
  • Once your codespace is ready you'll see an interface similar to VSCode
  • Some commands will be run in the terminal to build the frontend etc., wait for their completion
  • If everything went well, Plombery home page will be open in a new browser tab
  • Changes in the Python code will be immediately reflected in the web page, like if you were developing on your laptop