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A task is just a regular Python function decorated with the task decorator, the functions can be also async, Plombery will take care of everything:

def sync_task():

async def async_task():

Then pass the function names to the register_pipeline function:

  tasks=[sync_task, async_task]

Input parameters

If the pipeline declares input parameters:

class InputParams(BaseModel):
  some_value: int

  # ...

then the task function will receive those input parameters via the params argument:

async def my_task(params: InputParams):
  result = params.some_value + 8

Output data

In Plombery, pipelines execute their tasks sequentially and the return value of a task is considered its output data that is passed to the next ones as positional arguments:

def task_1():
  return 1

def task_2(from_1):
  # from_1 = 1
  return from_1 + 1

def task_3(from_1, from_2):
  # from_1 = 1
  # from_2 = 2
  return from_1 + from_2


Plombery collects automatically pipelines logs and shows them on the UI:

Pipeline run logs

Pipeline run logs

To use this feature, you need to use a plombery's logger simply calling the get_logger function:

from plombery import get_logger

def my_task():
  logger = get_logger()
  logger.debug("Hey greetings!")


get_logger is a special function that only works inside tasks functions: don't call it outside of those functions as it won't work!

# ❌ Don't do this
logger = get_logger()
def my_task():
  logger.debug("Hey greetings!")