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useStepper() hook

The useStepper hook provides the following methods and properties:

const {
activeStep, // The current step index, starting from zero
data, // The data object to hold custom data
goToNextStep, // Function to go to the next step
goToPreviousStep, // Function to go to the previous step
handleSubmit, // Function to validate a step before moving to the next one
isFirstStep, // Boolean indicating if the current step is the first one (index 0)
isLastStep, // Boolean indicating if the current step is the last one (index steps.length - 1)
isLoading, // Boolean indicating if the stepper is loading, when handleSubmit is async
setActiveStep, // Function to jump to a specific step
setData, // Function to update the data object
totalSteps, // The total number of steps
} = useStepper()

<Stepper> component

The <Stepper> component accepts the following props:

onComplete={() => {
alert('Stepper completed!')
stepComponentWrapper={({ children }) => (
// Custom wrapper for the step component, this is useful for adding a custom
// styling or layout to the steps and for special cases like adding
// FramerMotion animations to the steps (see the examples)
<div class="my-step-wrapper">